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Traveling in Difficult Truths Toward Elusive Mercy: An Interview with Steve Almond

"Literature is one way to remember that everybody else is suffering and that your imagination has to take in their suffering and their motives. If you really grant everybody mercy, you will get to the bottom of the truth."—Steve Almond, in our interview on storytelling.

Work + Craft

Body / Mind / Emotion



The AI Revolution: An Interview with Boris Eldagsen on Winning (and Refusing) the Sony World Photography Award

The AI Revolution: An Interview with Boris Eldagsen on Winning (and Refusing) the Sony World Photography Award

“I see the downsides of AI, I see the problems for democracies […] but at the same time, as an artist taking this as a reality, it is something I just love doing.”—Boris Eldagsen, in our interview on his winning (and refusing) a prize for his AI-generated art at the SWPA.



"If the reader prefers, this book may be regarded as fiction."

- Ernest Hemingway, from A Moveable Feast
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