A Determination to Co-Produce: An Interview with Anthony Luvera
“What gives me the right to be able to do this? And, what gives me the right to be able to go about it in the way that I expect to go about it?”—Anthony Luvera, in our interview about about collaborative process and his co-created book, Frequently Asked Questions.
The Power of State-Created Reality: An Interview with Debi Cornwall
“State-created realities are designed to perpetuate power by those who hold it, no matter who is in office.”—Debi Cornwall, in our interview about her forthcoming photobook, Necessary Fictions.
Working Through Loss: An Interview with Photographer Alicja Dobrucka
“You have to be able to live with the work. Some images, if they reveal too much, you just don’t fancy living with them.”—Alicja Dobrucka, in our interview about her photobook, I like you, I like you a lot.
The Mindful Musician: An Interview with Vanessa Cornett
“When training is not just about the physical act but also about your goals and your point of focus and what you’re doing with your mind, I think a happy by-product of that is less anxiety and fewer dark issues of the soul, because it’s a proactive way of training.”—Vanessa Cornett, in our interview about new book The Mindful Musician.
Too Tired for Sunshine: An Interview with Tara Wray
“There are definitely days when I don’t have the energy, and today is a day I’m struggling. […] It really is fighting every day and the project gives me something to fight for in a productive way that’s bigger than myself, which seems to be good for me.”—Tara Wray, in our interview about the Too Tired Project.
Not Working: An Interview with Josh Cohen
“When you give yourself over to the inactive state, you’re also giving yourself over to an internal roaming. Without that, there really isn’t a capacity for surprise, for discovery, for actually learning something new about yourself or the world.”—Josh Cohen, in our interview about his new book Not Working.
The Art of Computation: An Interview with Philipp Schmitt
“Computers can learn from examples how to recognize something. […]This is one way that you can form the concept of an apple, although it has nothing to do with an apple. An algorithm will never bite an apple, or taste one, or pick one from a tree.”—Philipp Schmitt, in our interview about his new book Computed Curation.
Artists as Adventurers: An Interview with Ruben Jacobs
“I saw, in all these different practices, some kind of artistic creature who uses science but also design and technology to re-investigate the relationship with the Earth.”—Ruben Jacobs, in our interview about his new book Artonauts.
Wisdom at Work: An Interview with Parneet Pal
“What I love about compassion, what makes it so cool, is that when you give back to others, the person who benefits the most is actually you.”—Parneet Pal, in our interview about her work at Wisdom Labs.
Losing It All: An Interview with Matt Desmond
“If you care about giving communities stability and a chance to keep themselves safe and produce a civic life, then housing is a big part of that story.”—Matthew Desmond, in our interview about his book Evicted.