How to Fix the Future: An Interview with Andrew Keen
"Maybe the ‘love’ metaphor is an interesting one; we shouldn’t fall in love with the future, it’s too dangerous. We need to keep a distance, have a mature relationship."—Andrew Keen, in our interview about his book How to Fix the Future
Move Fast and Break Things: An Interview with Jonathan Taplin
"The notion that disruption is the highest form of behavior in tech culture is, to me, sad."—Jonathan Taplin, in our interview about his book Move Fast and Break Things
The (Un)Importance of a Famous Face: An Interview with Audrey Tautou
"When you are an autodidact, you learn only from your mistakes. So, I learn a lot."—Audrey Tautou, in our interview about her photo series Superfacial
Trying to Get Along in Your World: An Interview with Jessica Dimmock
"This group of women have all lived as men... Everything is in the wrong place, and everything is in the wrong size and shape, and it sucks to try to be a woman when you’ve had like 60 years of testosterone going through your veins."—Jessica Dimmock, in our interview about her documentary The Convention.
Travelling the Limitless Mind: An Interview with Katrin Koenning
"Because it was about a state of mind, I knew that it was something that was going to have me throwing myself against the limits of representation. Translating emotionality and personal experiences into a picture is always going to be hard. "—Katrin Koenning, in our interview about her photography.
The Creativity and Structure of Pure Mathematics: An Interview with Holly Krieger
"The abstraction level I find very appealing, but also, that it’s possible to really understand. One moment, you have no clue what some piece of mathematics is saying or how it’s working, and suddenly there’s like this neurological shift and it clicks into place."—Dr. Holly Krieger, in our interview about mathematics.
More, More, More But Never Enough: An Interview with Antoine d’Agata
"This is the tragedy of wanting to make art out of your own life, or wanting to make your own life out of your art – there is no way out."—Antoine d'Agata, in our interview about his life and photography.
Irresistible Technology: An Interview with Adam Alter
"When behaviors become a way of scratching some psychological itch that you have – whether it’s loneliness, or anxiety or depression, or low self-esteem or boredom – then there’s a good chance you’re addicted."—Adam Alter, in our interview about his book Irresistible.
The Uniqueness of Human Crying: An Interview with Ad Vingerhoets
"Emotions are never caused by external events but rather by how we appraise certain events."—Ad Vingerhoets, in our interview about human crying.
Language Shaping Thought: An Interview with Cognitive Scientist Lera Boroditsky
"Language is meddling even with this very basic perceptual experience. What seems to us so automatic, and so much driven by the world, is instead a combination of factors, including the language that you speak."—Lera Boroditsky, in our interview about her research on language and thought.