The Artist-Mother Paradigm: An Interview with Hettie Judah
“There is no artist mother paradigm. So, when I, as a middle-aged woman, make art, people assume it’s my nice hobby. They don’t take me seriously because it’s not a paradigm that we celebrate or that’s particularly visible, culturally. But being an artist mother is an identity that, once it’s articulated, people feel very strongly.”—Hettie Judah, on the artist mother identity.
A Determination to Co-Produce: An Interview with Anthony Luvera
“What gives me the right to be able to do this? And, what gives me the right to be able to go about it in the way that I expect to go about it?”—Anthony Luvera, in our interview about about collaborative process and his co-created book, Frequently Asked Questions.
The Power of State-Created Reality: An Interview with Debi Cornwall
“State-created realities are designed to perpetuate power by those who hold it, no matter who is in office.”—Debi Cornwall, in our interview about her forthcoming photobook, Necessary Fictions.
Putting Peer Pressure to Work A Review of Robert H. Frank's book Under the Influence, in the Time of Coronavirus
In new book Under the Influence: Putting Peer Pressure to Work, Robert H. Frank makes the case that, given how powerful behavior is as a contagion, it is prudent to put this to good use.
Values as Stars to Steer By A review of Well-Being as Value Fulfillment by Valerie Tiberius
In her new book Well-Being as Value Fulfillment, Valerie Tiberius tries to address the question from the a life well-lived perspective of others; that is, how we can help others in a meaningful way beyond dispensing advice, wringing our hands at their dilemmas, or walking away in frustration when—according to us—they just won’t help themselves.
Being Human Is a Team Sport A review of Douglas Rushkoff’s book Team Human
In Team Human, Douglas Rushkoff unleashes a manifesto equal parts fiery criticism and humanist faith to remake society before our systems remake—or break—us.
No News Is Good News
“Do you want to go to World Press Photo and feel bad about everything?” This year’s World Press Photo exhibit, on display in Amsterdam until July 22, is no exception to the rule that no news is good news.
Losing It All: An Interview with Matt Desmond
“If you care about giving communities stability and a chance to keep themselves safe and produce a civic life, then housing is a big part of that story.”—Matthew Desmond, in our interview about his book Evicted.
Pathologies of Capitalism: An Interview with Michael Arfken
“A lot of the things that people deal with in psychology that are treated as individual pathologies, are more a product of the economic structure in which we’re embedded, namely advanced capitalism.”—Michael Arfken, in our interview about his conference on Pathologies of Capitalism
The Bliss of Conformity: An Interview with Yingguang Guo
“My project is like visual research into women on the shelf, arranged marriage, and the irrelationship—the forced intimacy—of it all. I want viewers to experience those forced relationships.”—Yingguang Guo, in our interview about her photo series The Bliss of Conformity.